Below are ‘SAMPLE’ Call-To-Action social media messages for marketing and promoting the Spotify Accelerator URL link. FYI, don’t copy & paste these messages. These messages simply provide conversation structure. Add your own twist to the messages.
FYI, remember to like some of their pics, leave REAL comments on their pics, watch some of their stories and leave real comments before you send the messages below.
Promoting the link to face-to-face (Do this after you have started a general conversation)- Then ask them: Do you listen to R&B music? Do you use Spotify to stream music? Dope! I’m an R&B singer & songwriter, and I’m based right here in Detroit, so I would love to share my music with you. Spotify has a cool feature that allows you to PRE-SAVE my profile to your music library and follow me. So, when I release my record, you’ll get it first. Can I text you my Spotify Link real quick, so you can add me to your library?
Promoting the link to another RADIOPUSHERS artist via IG DM– ‘Artist Name’, I’m locked in with the RADIOPUSHERS & I’m sending my Spotify Accelerator link, so you can ‘PRE-SAVE’ my profile to your library. Click the PRE-SAVE button just ONCE & you’ll get all my future releases on the day it drops. Send me your Spotify Accelerator link & I’ll do the same. Here is my link:
Promoting the link to another RADIOPUSHERS artist via IG Voice Message– ‘Artist Name’; I just sent you a DM message about ‘PRE-SAVING’ my Spotify Profile to your Spotify library. Tap in with me fam, and Pre-Save my profile. Send me your link, and I’ll do the same. Let’s keep winning and supporting each other.
Promoting the link to artists who are not with RADIOPUSHERS via IG DM– ‘Artist Name,’ we both use the same hashtag, and that’s how I found your profile. I always organically r/o to dope artist so we can follow and support e/o. Click my Spotify Link & ‘PRE SAVE’ my Spotify profile & future releases to your Spotify Library: When I drop new HEAT you’ll already have it saved. Just click play & we’re gucci! Send me your Spotify link & I’ll follow you right now.
Promoting the link to artists who are not with RADIOPUSHERS via IG Voice Message– ‘Artist Name,’ grand rising family. I just sent you a DM regarding pre-saving my Spotify profile to your Spotify library. I’m leaving you a voice message, so you know I AM NOT A ROBOT (LOL!). Send me your Spotify link & I’ll follow your profile. FYI, if you want your own Spotify Accelerator Link like mine, we can do an IG video call & I’ll send you the info. Let’s support each other and talk soon fam.
Promoting the link to MALE college students via IG Voice message– Grand rising ‘Profile Name’ and I see you repping Jackson State, that’s wazup. We both follow similar hashtags, so that’s how I found your profile. I love the energy on ya page. Let’s stay connected & follow each other. Knowledge is power, and I’m ultra-proud of you KXNG!
I’m on my music & entrepreneur grind, so I’m sending you my Spotify link, so you can ‘PRE-SAVE’ my profile & future releases. Just one click & we’re good. I’m going to turn on your IG notifications as well. My focus is always on building an organic following for my music brand. If you listen to my type of music, I’d be honored to have you PRE-SAVE my Spotify profile. Let’s keep winning and supporting each other. I’m texting you my link right now. FYI, I’d love to get your feedback as well. Honesty is super important to me.
Promoting the link to MALE college students via IG DM– Here is my Spotify Accelerator URL link (just click Pre-Save & Spotify adds all my future releases to your library automatically). Check your voice message and tap back in with me via video call or text message.
Promoting the link to FEMALE college students via IG Voice message– Grand rising ‘Profile Name’ and I see you repping Jackson State, that’s wazup. We both follow similar hashtags, so that’s how I found your profile. I love the energy on ya page. Let’s stay connected & follow each other. FYI, I wish you the best in all your future endeavors in life.
Ultra-proud of you!
I’m on my music & entrepreneur grind, so I’m sending you my Spotify link, so you can ‘PRE-SAVE’ my profile & future releases. Just one click & we’re good. I’m going to turn on your IG notifications as well. My focus is always on building an organic following for my music brand. If you listen to my type of music, I’d be honored to have you PRE-SAVE my Spotify profile. Let’s keep winning and supporting each other. I’m texting you my link right now. FYI, I’d love to get your feedback as well. Honesty is super important.
Promoting the link to FEMALE college students via IG DM– Here is my Spotify Accelerator URL link (just click Pre-Save & Spotify adds all my future releases to your library automatically). Check your voice message and tap back in with me via video call or text message.
Promoting the link to women via IG voice message: I’ve been commenting on a few of your posts. We follow similar hashtags, and I came across your profile. I absolutely love the content and page energy. I’m leaving you a voice message, so you know I’m a real person and NOT A BOT.
I’m on my music & entrepreneur grind, so I’m sending you my Spotify link, so you can ‘PRE-SAVE’ my profile & future releases. Just one click & we’re good. I’m going to turn on your IG notifications as well. My focus is always on building an organic following for my music brand. If you listen to my type of music, I’d be honored to have you PRE-SAVE my Spotify profile. Let’s keep winning and supporting each other. I’m texting you my link right now. FYI, I’d love to get your feedback as well. Honesty is super important to me.
Promoting the link to women via IG DM- Here is my Spotify Accelerator URL link (click Pre-Save & Spotify adds all my future releases to your library automatically). Check your voice message and tap back in with me via video call or text message.
Promoting the link to business owners via IG voice message: Grand rising ‘Profile Name’. We follow a few of the same hashtags, and that’s how I came across your biz page. I’m feeling your brand, and I rock with your products. I’m going to c/o your other socials and website today for sure. I’m a young entrepreneur, so I’m always excited to engage with successful entrepreneurs.
I’m on my music & entrepreneur grind, so I’m sending you my Spotify link, so you can ‘PRE-SAVE’ my profile & future releases. Just one click & we’re good. I’m going to turn on your IG notifications as well. My focus is always on building an organic following for my music brand. If you listen to my type of music, I’d be honored to have you PRE-SAVE my Spotify profile. Let’s keep winning and supporting each other. I’m texting you my link right now. FYI, I’d love to get your feedback as well. Honesty is super important to me.
Promoting the link to business owners via IG DM– Here is my Spotify Accelerator URL link (just click Pre-Save & Spotify adds all my future releases to your library automatically). Check your voice message and tap back in with me via video call or text message. Peace & luv.
Promoting the link to DJ’s via IG voice message:
‘DJ NAME’, grand rising family, and I hope you are having an ultra-productive day. Cutting straight to the chase, I’m always engaging and networking with DJ’s because you’ll are the pulse of music and culture period! So, if you need anything promoted or marketed, let me know. I’ll do it for FREEEEE! Earning your respect is ultra-important to me and of course introducing my music. I have access to a lot of real people across all my social media channels and with RADIOPUSHERS.
Currently, I’m a Brand Ambassador for 99.7 DA HEAT MIAMI which airs on iHeartRadio. My music is currently in rotation as well. Plus, I’m growing my new entertainment company.
So, relationship building is BIG on my agenda for 2023. So let me know what you need promoted or need help pushing online and I’m all in RIGHT NOW.
Lastly, I’m sending you my Spotify Accelerator Link, so you can c/o my music and PRE-SAVE my profile to your library. So, when I drop new HEAT you’ll get it first.
So enjoy the rest of your day and I’m available around the clock to speak via phone or text. Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Promoting the link to DJs via IG DM– Here is my Spotify Accelerator URL link (just click Pre-Save & Spotify adds all my future releases to your library automatically). Check your voice message and tap back in with me via video call or text message. Peace & luv.